Helpdesk FAQs
What is Pixl Helpdesk?
Pixl Helpdesk is Ticket Management System for assigning support tasks to Pixl’s Tech team. It is created for streamlining the support activities of the Tech and CRM team of Pixl.
Who can use it?
Anyone within the PIXL organization can register in the front page of the site to use it. When you create an account, please use your Pixl official email address.
Who will respond to my support request?
Tech Member assignment can be done using a dropdown select item.. But based on the category of the request, the ticket might be reassigned to the right person in the Pixl’s Tech Team.
How can I know the current status of my request?
When you login into the application, the support ticket created by you will be visible. You can find out the latest status and replies from the Support team in the ticket created by you. If you choose, you can reply to the response of the Support team.
How to create a ticket?
You should login before creating a ticket. In the support page, click the “Create new ticket” button to start creating the ticket. Provide the below information in the support request ticket:
- Subject
- Description of Support
- Upload any screenshot or files (upto 2 mb max in size and a maximum of 3 files per ticket)
- Select the applicable service line (eg. CRM, Prod Support etc) under the field “Related Product/Service”
- Assign the required priority based on the importance of the support required, under the priority field
Who will close a ticket?
Both the ticket creator and the tech support team has the access to close a ticket.
If ticket has been satisfactorily resolved, Tech Team member can close the ticket and ask the Ticket creator to check and confirm. Otherwise, Tech member will just send a response saying the issue has been resolved and request the Ticket creator to check and close the ticket.
Can I reopen a ticket?
Ticket Creator can reopen a closed ticket if she/he finds the solution inadequate or not working.
Closed Ticket will become Active on reopening.
Can I specify the due date when assigning a task?
Idea behind the support tasks and ticketing system to provide predefined tasks and smaller duration support activities within a predefined timelines. For example CRITICAL tasks within 4 hours, MEDIUM tasks within 8 hours and NORMAL tasks within 2 days etc. Any other complex tasks requiring planning, estimation and due dates have to assigned as project activities and tracked through Asana / Tech TPMS planner. But still to provide an additional information on when the issue is required to be fixed, one text input field is provided where the due date can be added in YYYY-Month-DD format.
So the bottom line is that support tasks will not have deadline specification, just the categorization of tasks as Critical, Medium and Normal.
If no due dates, how can I plan for the task completion?
Predetermined response time and resolution time for the tasks based on the criticality / priority provided by the Customer will guide the timelines to finish up a task ticket. Below are the planned timelines:
Should I assign a task to a particular tech team member?
You will have a field to select the tech team member. Please select it based on the category of task. But based on that category and availability of the resource, the ticket / task might get reallocated to the appropriate Tech Expert. You will receive the response and resolution from the assigned resource as required.
Why is the title of my task ticket appended with some data on Response Time and Resolution Time?
The extra info added to the title automatically is designed to provide a visibility to the customer on the time elapsed before a response on the task submission was made and the task was fully completed.
Is this Tech support bound by SLA?
As of now, Tech Support is not bound by Service Level Agreements for the internal support provided to the other PIXL department.
In future, when the process is stabilized and resources are adequately planned SLA compliance may become mandatory. For now the response time and resolution time are tracked and analyzed for visibility and improvement alone.
What is the penalty info present in the title of the ticket?
Penalty is another feature introduced on experimental basis to standardize the process. It is more like a guidance at this moment.
Currently whenever a task’s planned resolution time is exceeded by the actual resolution time / wait for the resolution, the extra hours taken up for the resolution is multiplied by a penalty amount of $5 per hour and showed as the penalty accrued by that task execution team.
For eg. if a critical task that has to be resolved in 1 day gets resolved in 2 days, the penalty assigned to that task is 8 hours * $5 per hour, which will be $40.
All these values are configurable and experimental at this stage – primarily to benchmark Pixl’s tech support SLA readiness for the clients.
Internal team assigning tasks to the Tech Team are advised to ignore this value.
Can Pixl's actual clients start using this HelpDesk?
System is pretty much ready for use by Pixl’s actual clients for assigning tasks to Pixl for resolution but we are currently rolling this out specifically for internal support by Tech Support Team. If there is a specific need for your client, please do reach out to or
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